Ross Perot in '92, USA Men's Basketball in Athens, MJ in the '84 Draft. An unfortunate thread forever intertwines these well-remembered occasions. 3. Third place; bronze medal; never be as good as some guy named Sam Bowie.
And now I am also forever associated.
Wednesday night the Lutheran High North Badminton syndicate witnessed the inaugural Single's Tournament. Single elimination, winner-take-all battle of agility mixed with power to crown the badminton king, and I was feeling golden. No one made claim to their prowess, so I found it necessary to guarantee: The 'Ship. I had all the confidence I need, and admittedly so, not enough game.
Early round opponents Megan Gentile and Cameron Sylvester were flimsy opponents and easy victories, scores 15-6 and 15-1 respectively. A well-hyped, and predicted match against Kyle Sylvester didn't live up to the hype. 15-6 again was the final score. I had reached the elusive Final Four and was set to play lefty, DJ Hagen. It was not pretty. DJ quickly gained a 4-0 lead and playing catch-up isn't easy is this game of momentum. He ran over me, and steamrolled his way past Andrew Siekmann, to become the Champion. Being then pushed into the third place game was a joke for me. I had lost the ultimate goal and then casually won the third place match, and all I got was a lousy cross country trophy. Pool B mind you.
The story doesn't end here however. Last night began pool play of doubles, and I was playing single. Apparently, the Lutheran High North Handbook has stringent policy barring participation for an hour and a half a week for one lousy grade. So, I was left partnerless. I understand, but the school board doesn't have to play Big Murawski or feel the wrath of his bullseye. I'll have to speak with my connect to make some threats, some Arab I know, Nabila.
Last night I rebounded, sortof, by going 2-1, losing only to Team Bullseye in a 15-13 run in which, Mr. Wesley stated: "That was the closest match we've had all year." A bit maligned, I am deteremined to keep the record perfect and make it to Tournament time, a top seed. Once again, I will guarantee: The 'Ship.
So third place didn't do much in the beginning, but as far as I know Ross Perot is currently worth 4.4 Billion, USA basketball claimed Gold in Sydeny, and MJ is the best player in basketball history: The outlook is very promising, see you all at tournament time.
due to my lack of partner, I am currently courting offers for a talented player ready to join the Silver Snakes. Let me know. I hear faculty are allowed to play. Nah, I know that would never work out, I said talented.
also, stay tuned for more posts, they will be coming soon, and i mean very soon.
Welcome Back!!!
Your promise of future posts is intriguing yet doubtful nolens volens.
The blogger has returned...
Mr Brandt was correct in saying the Internet is being ruined by vandal bloggers like YOU.
Just Kidding Andrew.
I would love to be you partner, if it wasn't for a great lake and 325 miles of I-94 that keep me away. Good luck Andrew. Please knock off Wesley and Murawski!
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