Andrew Fluegge \and-roo, fleh-gee\ n Of Philip and Nabila Fluegge 1989
An aspring applicant, blossoming blogger, and conspiring essayist, Andrew Fluegge can be seen walking briskly through the hallways of Lutheran High North; galloping at times to ensure his clean tardy record. He is always seen toting an abnormal quantity of textbooks around, fumbling with his car keys, as a befuddled look overtakes his face confused as to why his peers are not doing the same. At a glance he seems unorganized and scatterbrained, but a toothy grin gleams on his face as he realizes, it’s not so bad being different. His knack for conversation comes from his mother; his yearn for knowledge of the niceties of this world from his father. He knew the States and Capitals at three and is fluent in the ’89 Pistons and ’72 Knicks, Bill Bradley is his favorite: Rhodes Scholar and Renaissance man, the model citizen. The 36 has eluded him, as have the fleeting 1000 lb. Club hopes. Three sisters prepare him for the perils of women. Enough attitude is supplied by any of the three; the sum is almost unbearable. Fret not; he is not stifled by their selfish attempts. YooHoo and Reese’s Puffs are not Andrew’s Breakfast of Champions, they are his lunch and dinner as well.
Syn see: A Flu, apf4, Money
A Flu- In the vernacular of his cronies, an unoriginal name for an original character. A well-received byproduct of the name shortening craze that has engulfed Lutheran High North; A Flu can be seen chatting with chums and conversing with educators in the classroom or on extracurricular turf. A weekend warrior, he enjoys College GameDay, Clive Staples Lewis, and calculating molar heats of formation.
apf4- Affectionately known to those on Comcast, YouTube, Blogspot, and StubHub, apf4 is not just a User ID, but a personality. Adamant readers daily peruse his discourse on all
information pertinent to high school life. He has been known to generate a profit or two, selling tickets to uneducated consumers who offer unscrupulous amounts of money just to see middle-aged, former entertainers make fools of themselves in the latest tour of Dancing With the Stars, or to take Free Enterprise’s Dream Jr. to see Finding Nemo on Ice.
Money: An apparent appraisal of athletic prowess, Money continues to live up to his name; as long as the football is not thrown to him. The dedication in the weight room, winning sprints in practice, and even the starting spot are indicators. Just don’t throw Money the ball when he is wide open and it’s raining, chances are you’ll come up just short. In fact, the term hasn’t been recently circulated.
Conventional or quintessential? Both. Neither.
An aspring applicant, blossoming blogger, and conspiring essayist, Andrew Fluegge can be seen walking briskly through the hallways of Lutheran High North; galloping at times to ensure his clean tardy record. He is always seen toting an abnormal quantity of textbooks around, fumbling with his car keys, as a befuddled look overtakes his face confused as to why his peers are not doing the same. At a glance he seems unorganized and scatterbrained, but a toothy grin gleams on his face as he realizes, it’s not so bad being different. His knack for conversation comes from his mother; his yearn for knowledge of the niceties of this world from his father. He knew the States and Capitals at three and is fluent in the ’89 Pistons and ’72 Knicks, Bill Bradley is his favorite: Rhodes Scholar and Renaissance man, the model citizen. The 36 has eluded him, as have the fleeting 1000 lb. Club hopes. Three sisters prepare him for the perils of women. Enough attitude is supplied by any of the three; the sum is almost unbearable. Fret not; he is not stifled by their selfish attempts. YooHoo and Reese’s Puffs are not Andrew’s Breakfast of Champions, they are his lunch and dinner as well.
Syn see: A Flu, apf4, Money
A Flu- In the vernacular of his cronies, an unoriginal name for an original character. A well-received byproduct of the name shortening craze that has engulfed Lutheran High North; A Flu can be seen chatting with chums and conversing with educators in the classroom or on extracurricular turf. A weekend warrior, he enjoys College GameDay, Clive Staples Lewis, and calculating molar heats of formation.
apf4- Affectionately known to those on Comcast, YouTube, Blogspot, and StubHub, apf4 is not just a User ID, but a personality. Adamant readers daily peruse his discourse on all
information pertinent to high school life. He has been known to generate a profit or two, selling tickets to uneducated consumers who offer unscrupulous amounts of money just to see middle-aged, former entertainers make fools of themselves in the latest tour of Dancing With the Stars, or to take Free Enterprise’s Dream Jr. to see Finding Nemo on Ice.
Money: An apparent appraisal of athletic prowess, Money continues to live up to his name; as long as the football is not thrown to him. The dedication in the weight room, winning sprints in practice, and even the starting spot are indicators. Just don’t throw Money the ball when he is wide open and it’s raining, chances are you’ll come up just short. In fact, the term hasn’t been recently circulated.
Conventional or quintessential? Both. Neither.
how does webster define NG??
Simply Awesome! The final version looks great! Congrats and Good Luck!
Dear Andrew,
Much better than the stereotypical Gatsby or Tuesdays With Morrie "Motherhood And Apple Pie" essays written by complacent career-students afraid to take risks. I would like to also comment on my favorite part. In the world of elite schools, essays are commonly (though covertly) used to filter "bad roommates." You know, the caustic ruffians who melt the moral fiber of elite institutions. The easiest way to show a roommate quality is through self-deprecating humor.
The following lines accomplish this wonderfully: "He is always seen toting an abnormal quantity of textbooks around, fumbling with his car keys, as a befuddled look overtakes his face confused as to why his peers are not doing the same. At a glance he seems unorganized and scatterbrained, but a toothy grin gleams on his face as he realizes, it’s not so bad being different." You have not only told who andrew fluegge is, but you have shown the strapping young man fumbling with his car keys. Now you just need a bit of Ave Maria; it is Notre Dame after all.
An Expos paper?
Well crafted Andrew and John.
I wish I could write as effortlessly as you do. You seem to have a knack for sewing together the perfect word combinations that portray exactly the way you feel about pretty much anything. Much love.
Well played andrew. Your way with words leave me wondering if this is the same young man i talk to everyday. Teenager by day, poetic genius by night. Like Jordan, much love.
Boy class was quiet today. I was hoping your absence would be explained by a scintillating blog entry from your previous night's musical festivities...I guess not.
Truantly yours,
Mr. Brandt
definitely my favorite andrewwwww....very creative! =]
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