Public enemy Number 1, a James Gatz, a.k.a. Jay Gatsby a.k.a. The Original New York Giant a.k.a. the fourth worst sin committed by college applicants, whose dreams of matriculation are now just about as solid as Jay's chance at love.
I am not necessarily certain what the next three sins are, heck I probably committed them too. Well at least I caught this one before it was too late. With my mom nagging at me all weekend to "get those applications done or you're not going to school on Monday" I decided to finish off the five hundred word essay with a clever rendition of The Great Gatsby, which was nothing more than a regurgitation of West Egg stew from AP Language class.
Simply put I was a fool for even considering writing this essay, if that is foolish then idiocy would describe me becuase I actually put it on paper. Enough of this rambling, I have work to do. New essays need to be written if I want to make first hour tomorrow. Hopefully I can submit a new transgression to the list, it may even become the cardinal sin.
Telling the University of Notre Dame that my dream decade is living in the 1520s with Martin Luther doens't seem that bad, does it?
Let me know if the Martin Luther essay works out for you.
Ha! While your at it, why don't you go ahead and say Pope Benedict is the Antichrist too.
Pope B or the papacy?
A Flu, wait until you reach higher education. Their is no such thing as living in the past.
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